Unique coffee fruit products


Tio jose
family farm has been evolutioning in many forms and ways.

One of the siblings, Ivette and her husband are the ones in charge of the production
After researching for many years and learning how good the coffee fruit is, and talking about why it has not been used, we decided to stop wasting it as most coffee farms do.
Coffee natural sugars can get up to 30 % brix. (Measurement of sugar)
Antioxidants are higher than blueberries, vitamin B12, potasium and caffeine of course
And there is a good taste of it.

Well, we have coffee fruit wine. And a coffee fruit juice. Coffee Mermelade, and
Coffee fruit wine

We did not use the beans or coffee made to do this. We just got the coffee fruits and process it to make our different recepies of wines.

What kind of flavors? What porsentage of alcohol? What kind of wine?
The only way to explain this is by trying it.

On the juice is like a very thick prune, or plum, juice with nicer coffee fruit flavors. It's different. But you can find those flavors in it.

The wines are red Semi-dry. Red sweed.

Strong and gently flavor combined.
Some taste like port flavors but not as strong in alcohol!
Ice-wine flavors as well.
And even more flavors and descriptions.
This year we have about 96 recipes.
This is our research. Next year we would continue the best ones or more popular ones!!

If you want to be part of our sponsors on this research don't hesitate to contact us. We want the world to stop wasting so much. Coffee beans are only about 25% of the production on the farm. So if farmers used 75 % on something instead of pollution. That would be better for everyone. And to be able to do this, we have first to stop using so much water to process our coffee.
Isn't that a win-win situation?

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